The elective treatment
in aesthetic medicine
for the functional recovery
of skin
The experience of Professional Dietetics has created Sunekos Post Laser Cream, which is made with sodium hyaluronate and a pool of the amino acids most abundant in the collagen and elastin sequences, in precise stoichiometric ratios.
This composition has proven to be effective in inducing fibroblasts and keratinocytes to synthesise the proteins that are essential for the injured area to recover.
Post Laser Treatment in patient with acne

Effect of fractional CO2
laser technique (after 2 days)

6 weeks after Laser treatment
and the application of
Sunekos Post Laser Cream
3-4 times a day in the first week,
2 times a day until check-up
Post Laser Treatment complication in patient with nasal angiofibroma
In this case the intervention therapy was started only at onset of the clinical situation highlighted during the check-up requested by the patient 15 days after laser treatment.

“Atrophic” scar outcome
2 weeks after
Vascular Laser technique

2 weeks after
Sunekos Post Laser Cream
application, 3-4 times a day

3 months after administration of
Sunekos Post Laser Cream,
2 times a day
The evidence provided above shows that this specific formulation effectively helps with the repair processes, accelerating the restoration of physiological conditions.